How old a version of xapian should notmuch support?

Antoine Beaupre anarcat at
Mon Sep 10 11:07:09 PDT 2018

On 2018-05-13 14:33:45, David Bremner wrote:
> I'm looking at changes to get notmuch running with xapian-1.5
> On the other hand, not everyone uses Debian. Travis is one place that
> would require some work to get working (they're still using the _last_
> LTS version of Ubuntu).

I find it quite ironic that the "devops" kids who are so critical of
Debian being so "old" base much of their infrastructure on a service
that is running what is basically an old derivative of Debian wheezy,
released in 2013 (Trusty LTS was released in 2014).

There are other and better CI systems out there, in case Notmuch is
stuck in Travis-land. I have had good experiences working with GitLab CI
which is based on a slightly saner approach: it uses Docker containers
as a base, so you can run any base system you want. You can also supply
your own physical machines as runners for the CI system if you're not
happy with the provided options.

All this to say I don't think that Notmuch should block on Trusty
LTS. It will die in about 8 months anyways (april 2019) so it's a good
time to get rid of that cruft.

Besides, Ubuntu is shipping its own notmuch packages of course, and
trusty is stuck back there in 0.17.



Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their
                        - Lois Wyse
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