Resending the same email

Jani Nikula jani at
Sun Aug 23 13:41:54 PDT 2015

On Sun, 23 Aug 2015, David Mazieres <dm-list-email-notmuch at> wrote:
> Sebastian Fischmeister <sfischme at> writes:
>> Hi,
>> My previous mail editor had a useful feature to resend already sent
>> emails. It's essentially opening an already sent email and have the
>> senders, subject, and body pre-filled as well as all attachments
>> attached.
>> Is this easy to achieve in notmuch? The attachments seem a bit tricky.
> I often pipe the message to sendmail, using emacs's
> notmuch-show-pipe-message command (bound to '|' by default).  However I
> agree it would be much nicer to be able to edit the headers slightly, so
> as to add headers like Resent-To.
> On a related note, another feature I really miss is the ability to edit
> and re-send a bounced message.  (I realize this could be problematic for
> notmuch, in that you really want to re-send it with the same
> message-ID.)

    (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "b"
      (lambda (&optional address)
        "Bounce the current message."
        (interactive "sBounce To: ")
        (message-resend address)))

This really should be part of notmuch-emacs, but as I recall it we just
never came to a conclusion whether this does the right thing or not.


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