bug report: Emacs notmuch-mode fails attachments with spaces

Nils Dagsson Moskopp nils at dieweltistgarnichtso.net
Mon Feb 9 13:45:31 PST 2015

Dear notmuch developers,

I use notmuch-mode for GNU Emacs for managing my email.

I think I have found a bug in notmuch-mode: If I do “.-v” on the line “[
2015 _ Richtlinien.pdf: application/pdf ]”, then notmuch will open three
windows of zathura (the PDF viewer I use).

It seems to me that someone here either forgot quoting or decided to
split filenames on spaces. I suggest that “2015 _ Richtlinien.pdf:
application/pdf” should be quoted in notmuch-show-view-part.

Note that saving attachment (“.-s”, notmuch-show-save-part) generally
works even if the attachment file names have spaces. In case it matters,
I normally use the rc(1) shell in Debian <http://tobold.org/article/rc>.

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann
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