Folder-based searching

Carl Worth cworth at
Tue Jan 18 11:09:54 PST 2011

On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 12:48:11 -0600, Rob Browning <rlb at> wrote:
> Nice.


> So what are the path semantics?  For example, is the path case
> sensitive or insensitive?  Can you say folder:foo/bar, and if so, is the
> path rooted, or can it match path sub-segments?
> i.e. which of these, if any, is "folder:foo/bar" like?
>   (.*/)?foo/bar(/.*)?

That's the right one.

It's a case-insensitive, non-rooted search specification.

This works in a similar way to 'subject:"some phrase"', (though more
people seem to be asking about these details for folder: than have ever
asked for subject:).

This is the easiest kind of searching to get out of Xapian. However, in
the future, I would like to enable users to specify rooted search
specifications, (whether with folder:, subject:, or any other prefix).

That will require a little care to get some additional terms indexed to
support the rooting, then the in-development custom query parser to
allow mapping symbols like '^' and '$' to these new symbols.


carl.d.worth at
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