[PATCH] completion: remove "setup" from the list of possible completions

Ralph Seichter ralph at ml.seichter.de
Sat Jun 20 12:09:24 PDT 2020

* Tomi Ollila:

> imo.the completions should primarily provide convenience to the
> interactive user, to see all possible options (also those
> seldomly.used) one can use help and namual pages...

"Can use" being the operative term, not "should have to use". I would
not want completion to omit certain commands, based on somebody else's
notion of what is convenient, which in turn forces me to use other means
of figuring out a seldom-used command I may or may not be aware of.

If this means entering three characters instead of two, then three
characters it is. Alternatively, make it a configurable option, with
"convenient=false" being the default. I vote against the change.

First world problems... ;-)


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