[PATCH 1/2] test/raw: add some messages likely to be multiples of buffer size

David Bremner david at tethera.net
Sat May 4 17:10:26 PDT 2019

This highlights a bug where zero bytes are read at the end of the
file, and we attempt to write those to stdout, causing spurious write
 test/T210-raw.sh | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/T210-raw.sh b/test/T210-raw.sh
index 99fdef72..0d57deb5 100755
--- a/test/T210-raw.sh
+++ b/test/T210-raw.sh
@@ -30,4 +30,39 @@ Date: GENERATED_DATE
 This is just a test message (#2)"
+test_python <<EOF
+from email.message import EmailMessage
+for pow in range(12,21):
+    size = 2**pow
+    msg=EmailMessage()
+    msg['Subject'] = 'message with {:07d} bytes'.format(size)
+    msg['From'] = 'Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite at notmuchmail.org>'
+    msg['To'] = msg['From']
+    msg['Message-Id'] = 'size-{0:07d}@notmuch-test-suite'.format(size)
+    content=""
+    msg.set_content("")
+    padding = size - len(bytes(msg))
+    lines = []
+    while padding > 0:
+        line = '.' * min(padding, 72)
+        lines.append(line)
+        padding = padding - len(line) - 1
+    content ='\n'.join(lines)
+    msg.set_content(content)
+    with open('mail/size-{0:07d}'.format(size),'wb') as f:
+        f.write(bytes(msg))
+notmuch new --quiet
+for pow in $(seq 12 20); do
+    size=$(printf "%07d" $((2**$pow)))
+    test_begin_subtest "content, message of size $size"
+    notmuch show --format=raw subject:$size > OUTPUT
+    test_expect_equal_file mail/size-$size OUTPUT
+    test_begin_subtest "return value, message of size $size"
+    test_subtest_known_broken
+    test_expect_success  "notmuch show --format=raw subject:$size > /dev/null"

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