notmuch-emacs: Fcc to top-level directory given by database.path

Arun Isaac arunisaac at
Sun Oct 1 12:06:15 PDT 2017

Mark Walters <markwalters1009 at> writes:

> Incidentally, I think "/" is an alternative for the fcc line which
> already works, which is "\"/\" in notmuch-fcc-dirs.

Perhaps, notmuch should be made to tolerate a "/" at the beginning of the
Fcc folder argument. That is, notmuch should not complain about absolute
paths, and it should interpret these as relative to the root. To
maintain backward compatibility, we could add a "/" at the beginning if
it is not already there.


"/" => database.path
"/sent" => database.path/sent
"sent" => database.path/sent


Is this a better idea?

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