emacs: use epg-gpg-program

David Bremner david at tethera.net
Sun Mar 12 15:21:01 PDT 2017

Tomi Ollila <tomi.ollila at iki.fi> writes:

> From: John Byrnes <john at johnbyrnes.info>
> From: John Byrnes <john at johnbyrnes.info>
> Adjusted notmuch-crypto gpg call-process function to respect
> the GPG program set by the EasyPG epg-gpg-program variable.
> This is to correct a problem observed on NixOS where only gpg2 is
> installed by default. The Notmuch Emacs frontend fails when trying to
> access someone's key to verify their signature when it cannot find the
> GPG binary.

Following Tomi's hint on IRC I ran

emacs -Q --batch --eval "(progn (package-initialize) (require 'notmuch) (message epg-gpg-program))"

and it seems epg-gpg-program is defined. On the other hand can anyone
think of a good reason not to add (require 'epg) to the top of


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