notmuch and "mute" -- useful to anyone?

David Bremner david at
Tue Aug 2 15:32:21 PDT 2016

Matt Armstrong <marmstrong at> writes:

> Is anyone else interested in Gmail-like "mute" support in notmuch.el?
> If so, I can think about polishing the below off and adding it to
> notmuch.
> I've managed to implement Gmail's "mute" in notmuch as follows in my
> notmuch-post-new:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Unmute all threads with new messages sent to me.
> notmuch search --output=threads tag:new AND tag:me | \
>   xargs --no-run-if-empty notmuch tag -muted --
> # Remove all muted threads from the inbox and mark every message in them
> # muted.  Ideally this would be atomic with the above.
> notmuch search --output=threads tag:muted | \
>   xargs --no-run-if-empty notmuch tag -inbox +muted --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

See also the example of

This kind of thing is what message exclusion is invented for.

I guess you have to adjust to get precisely the semantics you want where
messages specifically to you are not muted.

By the way, also in git master you can used saved queries instead of
tag:me. So

notmuch config "to:matt at or to matt at"

then use e.g. "tag:muted and query:me" in your example.

That again requires xapian 1.3+


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