Log of tagging actions

Tomi Ollila tomi.ollila at iki.fi
Fri May 9 02:58:08 PDT 2014

On Fri, May 09 2014, Istvan Marko <notmuch at kismala.com> wrote:

> Sebastian Fischmeister <sfischme at uwaterloo.ca> writes:
>> Is there a possibility to log all tagging actions done in notmuch?
> I use a shell wrapper around notmuch to get this:
> #! /bin/sh
> echo "notmuch $@" >>$HOME/logs/notmuch.log
> /usr/local/bin/notmuch "$@"

You could make the last line 'exec /usr/local/bin/notmuch "$@"' :D
(and if you use debian, #!/bin/dash...)

I use a C wrapper to do the same (with date prefixes like 
2014-05-09 (Fri) 12:47:19) -- I originally did it to do argument
conversions around .. to have date-based searches before those came
to notmuch (and I am still using it, as I don't have to type date: prefix)

> Would be nice to be able to log all operations done via libnotmuch too
> though.

IIRC someone suggested/asked whether we'd get logs where all Message-ID:s
affected were logged. That could be useful (and produce lot of log when
one does notmuch tag +foobar '*')

That means to do logging with this granularity may prove problematic...

> -- 
> 	Istvan


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