Tomi Ollila tomi.ollila at
Sat Mar 29 09:07:43 PDT 2014

Hi all

Here is a new version of, after a while of

** is an email address completion/matching tool
to be used with `notmuch <>`_ mail user agents.

** works by caching the email addresses from users'
email files and then doing (fgrep) matching against that cache when

The matching part is very fast.

above from:

For those who have been using version 2.1, the changes are:

# Version 2.2  2014-03-29 15:12:14 UTC
#   * In case there is both {phrase} and (comment) in an email address,
#     append comment to the phrase. This will make more duplicates to be
#     removed. Now there can be:
#       <user at host>
#       "phrase" <user at host>
#       "phrase (comment)" <user at host>
#       <user at host> (comment)
#   * In case email address is in form "someuser at somehost" <someuser at somehost>
#     i.e. the phrase is exactly the same as <address>, phrase is dropped.

I planned to do some more combining of emails, but it proved to be a bit
more challenging that I thought of. The Bar, Foo -> Foo Bar conversion
looks like an interesting thing to do next which I will investigate in 

The new version is available at

or git clone
and then by picking from there.

How to install (also written in that nottoomuch-addresses.rst link above):

1) Download the program from above url on the machine you're running
   notmuch and find suitable location to it.

2) Verify it's sha1 checksum is 3855dd7b07490c0440deb7984633893b1847879d

3) chmod 755 /path/to/

4) Run  /path/to/ --update
   When run first time this gathers email addresses from all of your mail.
   This may take a long while to complete -- depends on the amount of email
   you have. Further --updates are much faster as those just take addresses
   from new mail.

5) Test that it works: Run  /path/to/ notmuchmail

6) In case you're using emacs mua with notmuch, edit your notmuch
   configuration for emacs with the following content:

   (require 'notmuch-address)
   (setq notmuch-address-command "/path/to/")

7) Restart emacs notmuch mua (or eval above lines) and start composing
   new mail. When adding recipient to To: field. press <TAB> after 3
   or more characters have been added. In case you get 2 or more address
   matches, use arrow keys in minibuffer to choose desired recipient...

8) Enjoy!

/path/to/ --help  provides more detailed information.


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