Better Gmail handling by not using Notmuch tags

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at
Thu Sep 13 07:35:35 PDT 2012


I'm a Gmail user and would like to keep using Gmail web interface in
parallel to Notmuch. Basically, I would like Notmuch to mimic Gmail's
behavior. In the notmuch mailing list, users proposed to convert Gmail
folders to Notmuch tags and back (e.g., However, I
didn't see any out-of-the-box full implementation of this proposal.

Another solution would be to work directly with folders from Notmuch.
Adding a Notmuch tag would just copy the current mail file to a
different folder. Removing a tag would just remove the current mail
file from the folder. Would such a solution work? What would I loose?

Thank you

Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry

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