[PATCH v2] emacs: globally replace non-branching "(if COND (progn ..." with "(when ..."

Pieter Praet pieter at praet.org
Wed Feb 1 05:50:00 PST 2012

Less code, same results, without sacrificing readability.


Rebased to current master.

 emacs/notmuch-show.el |    9 ++++-----
 emacs/notmuch-wash.el |   47 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 emacs/notmuch.el      |   28 +++++++++++++---------------
 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/emacs/notmuch-show.el b/emacs/notmuch-show.el
index de9421e..0a945ea 100644
--- a/emacs/notmuch-show.el
+++ b/emacs/notmuch-show.el
@@ -1364,11 +1364,10 @@ any effects from previous calls to
       ;; If a small number of lines from the previous message are
       ;; visible, realign so that the top of the current message is at
       ;; the top of the screen.
-      (if (<= (count-screen-lines (window-start) start-of-message)
-	      next-screen-context-lines)
-	  (progn
-	    (goto-char (notmuch-show-message-top))
-	    (notmuch-show-message-adjust)))
+      (when (<= (count-screen-lines (window-start) start-of-message)
+		next-screen-context-lines)
+	(goto-char (notmuch-show-message-top))
+	(notmuch-show-message-adjust))
       ;; Move to the top left of the window.
       (goto-char (window-start)))
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch-wash.el b/emacs/notmuch-wash.el
index 5c1e830..67143e5 100644
--- a/emacs/notmuch-wash.el
+++ b/emacs/notmuch-wash.el
@@ -336,30 +336,29 @@ patch and then guesses the extent of the patch, there is scope
 for error."
   (goto-char (point-min))
-  (if (re-search-forward diff-file-header-re nil t)
-      (progn
-	(beginning-of-line -1)
-	(let ((patch-start (point))
-	      (patch-end (point-max))
-	      part)
-	  (goto-char patch-start)
-	  (if (or
-	       ;; Patch ends with signature.
-	       (re-search-forward notmuch-wash-signature-regexp nil t)
-	       ;; Patch ends with bugtraq comment.
-	       (re-search-forward "^\\*\\*\\* " nil t))
-	      (setq patch-end (match-beginning 0)))
-	  (save-restriction
-	    (narrow-to-region patch-start patch-end)
-	    (setq part (plist-put part :content-type "inline-patch-fake-part"))
-	    (setq part (plist-put part :content (buffer-string)))
-	    (setq part (plist-put part :id -1))
-	    (setq part (plist-put part :filename
-				  (notmuch-wash-subject-to-patch-filename
-				   (plist-get
-				    (plist-get msg :headers) :Subject))))
-	    (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
-	    (notmuch-show-insert-bodypart nil part depth))))))
+  (when (re-search-forward diff-file-header-re nil t)
+    (beginning-of-line -1)
+    (let ((patch-start (point))
+	  (patch-end (point-max))
+	  part)
+      (goto-char patch-start)
+      (if (or
+	   ;; Patch ends with signature.
+	   (re-search-forward notmuch-wash-signature-regexp nil t)
+	   ;; Patch ends with bugtraq comment.
+	   (re-search-forward "^\\*\\*\\* " nil t))
+	  (setq patch-end (match-beginning 0)))
+      (save-restriction
+	(narrow-to-region patch-start patch-end)
+	(setq part (plist-put part :content-type "inline-patch-fake-part"))
+	(setq part (plist-put part :content (buffer-string)))
+	(setq part (plist-put part :id -1))
+	(setq part (plist-put part :filename
+			      (notmuch-wash-subject-to-patch-filename
+			       (plist-get
+				(plist-get msg :headers) :Subject))))
+	(delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+	(notmuch-show-insert-bodypart nil part depth)))))
diff --git a/emacs/notmuch.el b/emacs/notmuch.el
index 72f78ed..5fa239a 100644
--- a/emacs/notmuch.el
+++ b/emacs/notmuch.el
@@ -673,17 +673,16 @@ This function advances the next thread when finished."
 		  (goto-char (point-max))
 		  (if (eq status 'signal)
 		      (insert "Incomplete search results (search process was killed).\n"))
-		  (if (eq status 'exit)
-		      (progn
-			(if notmuch-search-process-filter-data
-			    (insert (concat "Error: Unexpected output from notmuch search:\n" notmuch-search-process-filter-data)))
-			(insert "End of search results.")
-			(unless (= exit-status 0)
-			  (insert (format " (process returned %d)" exit-status)))
-			(insert "\n")
-			(if (and atbob
-				 (not (string= notmuch-search-target-thread "found")))
-			    (set 'never-found-target-thread t))))))
+		  (when (eq status 'exit)
+		    (if notmuch-search-process-filter-data
+			(insert (concat "Error: Unexpected output from notmuch search:\n" notmuch-search-process-filter-data)))
+		    (insert "End of search results.")
+		    (unless (= exit-status 0)
+		      (insert (format " (process returned %d)" exit-status)))
+		    (insert "\n")
+		    (if (and atbob
+			     (not (string= notmuch-search-target-thread "found")))
+			(set 'never-found-target-thread t)))))
 	      (when (and never-found-target-thread
 		  (goto-char (point-min))
@@ -861,10 +860,9 @@ non-authors is found, assume that all of the authors match."
 			(put-text-property beg (point) 'notmuch-search-thread-id thread-id)
 			(put-text-property beg (point) 'notmuch-search-authors authors)
 			(put-text-property beg (point) 'notmuch-search-subject subject)
-			(if (string= thread-id notmuch-search-target-thread)
-			    (progn
-			      (set 'found-target beg)
-			      (set 'notmuch-search-target-thread "found"))))
+			(when (string= thread-id notmuch-search-target-thread)
+			  (set 'found-target beg)
+			  (set 'notmuch-search-target-thread "found")))
 		      (set 'line (match-end 0)))
 		  (set 'more nil)
 		  (while (and (< line (length string)) (= (elt string line) ?\n))

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