[PATCH 1/2] vim: use sendmail directly

Felipe Contreras felipe.contreras at gmail.com
Sun Feb 6 05:29:06 PST 2011

The problem with 'mailx' is that it's not standardized, and it doesn't
allow the -f option, which is pretty important on many sendmail

Signed-off-by: Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras at gmail.com>
 vim/plugin/notmuch.vim |    8 +++++---
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim b/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
index 3375a96..002b771 100644
--- a/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
+++ b/vim/plugin/notmuch.vim
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 let s:notmuch_defaults = {
         \ 'g:notmuch_cmd':                           'notmuch'                    ,
+        \ 'g:notmuch_sendmail':                      'sendmail'                   ,
         \ 'g:notmuch_debug':                         0                            ,
         \ 'g:notmuch_search_newest_first':           1                            ,
@@ -948,18 +949,19 @@ function! s:NM_compose_send()
         let line = getline(lnum)
         let lst_hdr = ''
         while match(line, '^$') == -1
-                if match(line, '^Notmuch-Help:') == -1
+                if !exists("hdr_starts") && match(line, '^Notmuch-Help:') == -1
                         let hdr_starts = lnum - 1
-                        break
                 let lnum = lnum + 1
                 let line = getline(lnum)
+        let body_starts = lnum - 1
+        call append(body_starts, 'Date: ' . strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z'))
         exec printf(':0,%dd', hdr_starts)
-        let cmdtxt = 'mailx -t < ' . fname
+        let cmdtxt = g:notmuch_sendmail . ' -t < ' . fname
         let out = system(cmdtxt)
         let err = v:shell_error
         if err

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