Maildir-flags synchronization now on master branch

Carl Worth cworth at
Thu Nov 11 16:43:45 PST 2010

On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 05:04:48 -0800, Carl Worth <cworth at> wrote:
> There were two things I had wanted to do before pushing this out, but
> I've decided to get some sleep now instead:
>   1. Don't do maildir-flag things in non-maildir directories
>   2. Preserve any unsupported flags when renaming

After some good sleep, both of these features seemed much easier to
implement. These are both pushed now.

And I've now done a much more thorough audit of all of the
implementation, (adapting things to my preferred coding style, adding
comments, fixing up little corner cases, etc.). So I'm quite comfortable
with all of this now. I think 0.5 will be imminent.

Now that all of this maildir-flag synchronization is possible, I wonder
if we shouldn't allow the user to configure the mapping of maildir-flag
characters to tag names. That would allow for (a limited number of) tags
to be synchronized on multiple machines using synchronization mechanisms
such as offlineimap without needing any notmuch-aware synchronization.

So that might be very interesting.


carl.d.worth at
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